2 levels: Practitioner and Advanced Practitioner
About Evidence Based EFT Training
Evidence Based EFT (EBEFT) offers training in Clinical EFT (tested in clinical research trials) for lay people wanting to achieve accreditation or health professionals seeking to upskill.
The objectives of the Evidence Based EFT (EBEFT) Premium Accreditation include:
● Providing a high-quality training that align with the guidelines of the USA Cognitive Somatic Energy Practices National Standards working document
● Establishing a recognition symbol to indicate all training requirements have been met
● Creating an expert level training with its recognition symbol (accreditation in EBEFT)
This Evidence Based EFT Training has been accepted as an International Institute for Complementary Therapists (IICT) Approved Training Provider.
This training is highly experiential. You will apply the EFT technique to your own circumstances in order to learn how to apply it to clients. Please be prepared to engage at this level for a maximum learning experience.
EBEFT considers accreditation to be very important. Existing clinicians working with clients in a therapy context, or novice practitioners who are developing their EFT skills will find the process of accreditation will enhance their expertise, quality and competency in using EFT with a wide range of clients. Developing a high level of proficiency is vital for comprehensive client care, and the benefits of accreditation include:
• Maximises the teaching and learning experience of EFT training
• Ensures ethically sound and robust EFT clinical practice
• Enhances quality control in the EFT field
• Opportunity for practitioners to demonstrate competence in using EFT
What is Accreditation?
Accreditation as an EBEFT Practitioner is not required in order to practice EFT. Many existing licensed health professionals may want to seek EFT skills training only, however basic training does not cover all the applications possible, and bad habits can and will occur. For best practice, and quality service for clients, ongoing mentoring through the accreditation pathway is strongly recommended.
The Premium Accreditation with EBEFT may be used as professional development for licensed professionals.
Finally, completing accreditation allows practitioners to display the accreditation logo and title on their website and marketing materials. EBEFT is well regarded in the EFT world and Dr Peta Stapleton is the world’s leading researcher in the EFT field. Aligning yourself with this training program will be associated as being reputable and evidence based.
There are TWO LEVELS of Premium Accreditation
* EBEFT Accredited Clinical EFT Practitioner
* EBEFT Accredited Clinical EFT Advanced Practitioner
Structure of EBEFT Training
All trainees are required to familiarize themselves with the pre reading materials available here - these may be updated to reflect current research and evidence each year. The primary training is then a 3-day Evidence Based EFT training (in person or live online, not recorded). It will be available for these groups to attend (concurrently or in separate groups at the Trainer's discretion)
• EBEFT for Licensed Health Professionals
• EBEFT for Everyone (lay people training for premium accreditation)
A further Evidence Based EFT for Trauma workshop is recommended within the following 3 to 6 months. This is mandatory for those completing Premium Accreditation but optional for Licensed Health Professionals who are not. Please note that both trainings need to be completed before the mentoring process for accreditation can begin.
In these EBEFT trainings, you will learn:
- The core principles of Clinical EFT from the research, and how to adapt them to different clinical populations
- A sound understanding of Clinical EFT, and how to use it therapeutically and personally
- How to apply Clinical EFT in group settings
- How to use Clinical EFT to deal with chronic pain
- How to use Clinical EFT to deal with food issues and emotional eating
- How to use Clinical EFT to deal with stress and anxiety
- How to use Clinical EFT for negative automatic thoughts, schemas and core beliefs
- How to use Clinical EFT for goal setting and your practice success
- How to use Clinical EFT to help you cope with the stresses of difficult clients
- The research behind Clinical EFT
- The application of EFT for Trauma is covered in the extension 14 class hours training
Scripts for Clinical EFT techniques and exercises, which you can adapt as desired for your clients is provided, as well as a variety of useful handouts and worksheets for use with clients. A Certificate of Completion for professional development needs is issued after each training, and a further Premium Accreditation Certificate is issued at the completion of the Accreditation pathway.
Cost of Training
- The pre-reading resources are free when you register
- The in-person (or online) training you attend is typically charged at AU$995 earlybird and AU$1095 fullprice (GST is included in Australia to this, however individual Trainers may adjust this fee based on venue costs and location of training)
- Some trainings are offered online, and live (not recorded)
- Mentoring sessions are charged separately to the EFT training, for those completing Accreditation - mentors set their own fees and should be consulted for this
The Accreditation Pathway
* EBEFT Accredited Clinical EFT Practitioner
Those completing the Premium Accreditation (1st level) program are also required to complete:
- 16 mentoring hours (10-hours of individual and 6-hours group supervision) - as noted above, both EFT trainings need to be completed before the mentoring process for accreditation can begin
- 13 hours of self-work
- Video Sample Sessions (reviewed in mentoring sessions) that includes 48 written session notes
- Completion of an online Ethics Exam
- Recommendation by mentors
- Signing of Code of Conduct
- Listing on EBEFT web site and use of badge and logo
Certificate of Completion Requirements: Premium Accreditation Summary
- Completion of standard EBEFT Practitioner Training (21 class hours. It can be conducted both virtually and in person)
- Completion of EBEFT for Trauma Training (14 class hours. It can be conducted both virtually and in person)
- 16 hours of mentoring (individual and group) – includes review of video sessions, 48 written session notes form 50 practice client sessions
- 15 hours of EFT self work (5 with a Certified or Accredited practitioner, 5 as a swap client for another trainee, 5 hours self tapping.
- Review of EFT Techniques Sample Cases
- Completion of online Ethics Exam
- Recommendation by mentors
- Proof of practitioner insurance
Completion of the above results in access to the EBEFT accreditation logo, and use of the title Accredited Evidence Based EFT Practitioner. Listing on the accredited practitioners web page is included. Ongoing continuing education is required every year to maintain this listing on the website.
Note: EFT International (a not for profit global organisation committed to advancing and upholding the highest standards for education, training, professional development and promotion of the skillful, creative and ethical application of EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques) for global public benefit - in the UK) has recognised this EBEFT training. This means if you accredit with me, you may be able to also become accredited with them. Reach out via email to discuss the steps of how to do this with me,
* EBEFT Accredited Clinical EFT Advanced Practitioner
Those completing the Premium Advanced Accreditation (2nd level) program are also required to complete:
- 16 mentoring hours (10-hours of individual and 6-hours group supervision) - as noted above, both EFT trainings need to be completed before the mentoring process for accreditation can begin
- 15 hours of self-work
- Video Sample Sessions (reviewed in mentoring sessions) that includes 48 written session notes
- Recommendation by mentors
- Signing of Code of Conduct
- Listing on EBEFT web site and use of badge and logo
Certificate of Completion Requirements: Premium Advanced Accreditation Summary
- Completion of Advanced EBEFT Practitioner Training (14 class hours. It can be conducted both virtually and in person)
- Completion of 1 Day Clarity Tapping Training (7 class hours. It can be conducted both virtually and in person)
- Completion of 21 class hours of additional approved specialty workshops.
- 16 hours of mentoring (individual and group) – includes review of video sessions, 48 written session notes form 50 practice client sessions
- 15 hours of EFT self work (5 with a Certified or Accredited practitioner, 5 as a swap client for another trainee, 5 hours self tapping.
- Recommendation by mentors
- Proof of practitioner insurance
Completion of the above results in access to the EBEFT accreditation logo, and use of the title Accredited Evidence Based EFT Advanced Practitioner. Listing on the accredited practitioners web page is included. Ongoing continuing education is required every year to maintain this listing on the website.
Registration will close when class is full
Cancellation Policy for Virtual Training
- 10% Cancellation Fee will be deducted from your refund if you cancel your registration up to 1 year - 6 months prior
- 25% Cancellation Fee will be deducted from your refund if you cancel your registration up to 6 - 3 months prior
- 50% Cancellation Fee will be deducted from your refund if you cancel your registration up to 3 months - 2 weeks prior
- No Refund for cancellations 2 weeks prior to day of workshop.
Medical emergencies exceptions: Cancellations for medical emergencies will be considered with a Doctor's note. The cancellation will be evaluated on an individual basis and once confirmed will be refunded the workshop fee less 10%.