"I clearly remember my first tapping session with Naomi, it came during a long period of grief and pain. Her guidance and support during that session opened me up to the power and relief of this amazing technique, and its ability to see clearly through emotional turmoil. Since that time, I have used tapping (on my own, or under Naomi's amazing guidance) to unblock old anxieties, limiting beliefs and long held fears about my own capabilities to succeed. For me, tapping is a simple technique that gives extraordinary power of clarity, calmness and self reassurance". - KS, Media professional
"I had stopped smoking successfully for 6 months but could not turn off those occasional nagging waves of nicotine cravings. In the space of a few minutes Naomi had given me the key. I have no idea how it works but it does. " - Stephen Fearnley, Artist & Composer
"Naomi Janzen truly embodies the craft of EFT, effortlessly guiding clients compassionately and with a precision that can only come from a wise, noble and pristine heart. (Not to mention the huge results!) I have benefited enormously from Naomi's assistance in emotional release, creating a profound sense of freedom from old conditioned beliefs and blocks. What once was unconsciously unsurmountable, is now wisdom, integrated and cause for celebration!" - Naomi Carling, Psychotherapist
"I was amazed during my first tapping session with Naomi. She saw straight to the heart of a problem that I didn't really think could change; it was such a hugely limiting, negative belief I'd been carrying for two decades. As we tapped Naomi led me through a process that dissolved the belief until what had once seemed a heavy, inescapable truth now felt like a hollow, ridiculous statement. I felt a great freedom when that weight lifted from me, and it's been the beginning of a series of many wonderful shifts and changes since." - E.M., TV producer
"The legacy of an impacted fracture of my left shoulder, sustained in a motorcycle accident when I was 22, was pain that troubled me for decades. My range of movement was severely restricted; and the shoulder was acutely painful if locked in one position for long (such as sleeping on my left side). But the result of a single 20 minute tapping session with Naomi in August 2012 was nothing less than miraculous! Range of movement in the joint was summarily improved by 50% and now the injury rarely causes me pain. There has been no deterioration in the improvement over the following 2 months. An astonishing result that I would never have believed possible had I not experienced it. - Julian Smith, Writer/Director